Main Hall | Training Room | |
09:00 - 09:30 | Registration | |
09:30 - 11:15 | "Twice the Weapons, Double the Fun" Chris Halpin | Test Cutting |
11:15 - 13:00 | "There's a Time and a Place for That" Chris Johnson-Sparks | Test Cutting |
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch - Sparring | |
14:00 - 15:45 | "For the Small!" Victoria Clow | Test Cutting |
15:45 - 17:30 | "Just the One Stick Actually …" Ben Hamilton | Test Cutting |
17:30 - 18:30 | Tournament |
Session #1 – 09:30 – 11:15
Chris Halpin
“Twice the Weapons, Double the Fun”
In this class we’ll be exploring the use of the sword and dagger together, mostly from Swetnam but touching on other sources as well. Alongside rapier Swetnam also teaches the “short sword” and “backe-sword” and unlike some of his contemporaries is happy to apply similar principles to different sets of weapons that were commonly in use in the early to mid 17th century. Mask, light gloves and groin protection (should you be anatomically equipped to require it) are mandatory for this session along with a broadsword/backsword/cutting rapier. If you have a suitable dagger please bring it along but we’ll have some wood and synthetic loaners.
Chris teaches HEMA and other martial arts professionally at the York School of Defence and has a particular interest in combative systems from the British Isles, particularly broadsword/backsword, smallsword/rapier, pugilism, prize fighting and catch wrestling, as well as those few early English longsword texts, and he enjoys a good spadroon.
Session #2 – 11:15 – 13:00
Chris Johnson-Sparks
“There’s a Time and a Place for That”
“What’s a ‘Time of the Hand?’ What the hell is ‘The Place?’ What’s ‘Flying Out’? Why should I care?” Whether you’ve asked yourself these questions before or you’ve never read a single word of the works of George Silver, worry not. No prior experience with the system is required! This class will build up from the fundamentals.
In this session, we’ll explore the core fencing concepts that underlie the combative system presented by Silver – the grounds and governers that define his so-called ‘True Fight’. From here, we’ll also look into how these concepts can shape your fencing when it comes to sparring, in both defensive and offensive contexts.
Hatred of long rapiers is also not required for this class.
Lunch – 13:00 – 14:00
Drink some water you dehydrated noodles!
We’ll provide some bits and pieces for you to snack on, that you’re welcome to help yourselves to but this is considered a “light lunch” so if you like to tuck into something a bit heartier or have special dietary requirements please cater for yourself accordingly.
The kitchen will be open throughout the day so please do help yourselves; anything that has been left out on the counters if for you to use and enjoy.
The tuck shop will set up in the foyer and open throughout the day for you to indulge your sweet tooth and give yourself energy to get through a full day of broadswording. All proceeds from the tuck shop are donated to charity so please give generously!
Session #3 – 14:00 – 15:45
Victoria Clow
“For The Small!”
“I’m tired of getting hit on the head whenever I try to close distance!” “I just can’t reach! Why is your head so far away?” “Tall people have so many advantages!”
Is this you? Sounds like you need a class For The Small!
Through this session, we’ll look at targeting, closing distance and, crucially, how to avoid being bonked on the head while doing it! We will explore techniques a bit more suited to small fencers such as bearing, glissades and ambuscades and how we can adapt for fighting a bigger opponent.
Tall fencers still welcome!
Session #4 – 15:45 – 17:30
Ben Hamilton
“Just the One Stick Actually …”
An introduction to Singlestick!
Single stick is a fun, fast and dynamic weapon. A good practice weapon for Broadsword that is a weapon in it’s own right. With it’s own skills, methods and individual offhand weapons.
During this class, we’ll be focusing on tactics and techniques for a head hit priority ruleset to get you into the tournament mood! We will cover tactics to get the head while covering your own and some sneaky things to keep your head safe.
For this class, alongside your mask, elbows and forearms are a must for protection. A heavy offhand glove will also be a good idea.
Tournament – 17:30 – 18:30
“Deck the Balls”
A Singlestick Tournament.
The tournament is quite simple. You will receive 1 life, these life will be represented by a pretty paper bauble that you will hold in your off-hand. You will then have some random fights in which you will endeavour to keep your life and crush as many others as you can.
If we need to, there will be some tie breakers to decide the winner!
The person who has managed to take as many lives as well as keep their own by the end of the tournament is the winner!
You can wear as much or as little kit as you like however a mask, arm, shin and knee guard is mandatory alongside a box for those who need it. Jackets are optional but probably a good idea as the whole body will be a target as you hunt for ways to squish those baubles!
Test Cutting – 09:30 – 17:30
Our small training hall will be transformed into a space for you to have a try at clay cutting and some cutting feats throughout the day. Feel free to drop in and out if you aren’t taking part in a lesson, or come and say hello over lunch. This area will be closed during registration and throughout the tournament.
Sharp swords will be provided for you to use whilst cutting.
It will be ably manned and supervised by Lauren Ireland for portions of the day. We know she likes messers more than basket hilts but we forgive her for her sins.
Cutting clay can sometimes be a messy affair; please make sure you’re wearing clothing that you don’t mind getting a bit filthy from the spashback caused by your excellently aligned chops, cuts, slices, and quarters. Just pretend it’s the blood of your enemies…